Key references
Bag-Mask Ventilation during Tracheal Intubation of Critically Ill Adults.pdf
Better With Ultrasound Pleural Procedures in Critically Ill Patients Review 2018.pdf
Brachial Arterial Pressure Monitoring during Cardiac Surgery Rarely Causes Complications.pdf
Cardiac Arrest and Mortality Related to Intubation Procedure in Critically Ill Adult Patients.pdf
Central Venous Access Via External Jugular Vein: Background, Indications, Contraindications.pdf
Complications with Ultrasound-guided central catheter placement.pdf
DAS guidelines on the airway management of critically ill patients letter.pdf
Evidence for Practice Guidelines for Central Venous Access letter.pdf
External jugular cannulation-Direction of the J-Tip of the Guidewire in misplaced CVP.pdf
Four cases of inadvertent arterial cannulation despite of ultrasound guidance.pdf
Guidelines for the management of tracheal intubation in critically ill adults Review 2018.pdf
Guidewire exchange vs new site placement for temporary dialysis catheter.pdf
How to measure blood pressure using an arterial catheter Review 2020.pdf
Incidence of Chest Tube Malposition in the Critically Ill.pdf
Intravascular Complications of Central Venous Catheterization by Insertion Site.pdf
Management of Arterial Catheterisation Associated with Central Venous Access Reviews.pdf
Misplaced central venous catheters and anatomy Review 2013.pdf
Pressure Waveform Monitoring During Central Venous Catheterization.pdf
Preventing complications from central venous catheterization.pdf
Reducing pain by using venous blood gas instead of arterial blood gas.pdf
Survey on the Current State of Endotracheal Intubation Among the Critically Ill.pdf
Surgical and Patient Risk Factors for Severe Arterial Line Complications in Adults.pdf
Surgical cricothyrotomy the tracheal-tube dilemma letter.pdf
Techniques to Minimize Posterior Wall Puncture during Internal Jugular Vein Cannulation.pdf
The Problem With Peripherally Inserted Central Catheters.pdf
Tracheal intubation in critically ill patients Review 2018.pdf
Ultrasound Identification of Diaphragm by Novices Using ABCDE Technique.pdf
Ultrasound-guided central venous catheter placement Review 2017.pdf
Ultrasound-Guided Insertion of a Radial Arterial Catheter.pdf
Ultrasound-guided vascular access in critical illness Review 2019.pdf
Ultrasound-guided vessel puncture calling for Pythagoras’ help.pdf
What Can We Do to Prevent Tracheal Intubation– Associated Cardiac Arrest.pdf
‣ICU Procedures