1. References


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Key references

  1. Monitoring/Equipment/Position

  1. Airway Management

  1. General Surgery

  1. Day Case Surgery

  1. Endocrine Surgery

  1. Vascular Surgery

  1. Urological Surgery

  1. Hepatic Surgery

  1. Paediatric Surgery

  1. Thoracic Surgery

  1. Cardiac Surgery

  1. Neurosurgery

  1. Trauma/Burns Surgery

  1. Orthopaedic Surgery

  1. ENT Surgery

  1. Max/Facial and Ophthalmic Surgery

  1. Plastic Surgery

  1. Gynaecological Surgery

  1. Fluid/Hemodynamic Management

  1. Bullet“Awake” or “Sedated” Safe Flexible Bronchoscopic Intubation of the Difficult Airway.pdf

  2. BulletA binary approach to difficult airway prediction.pdf

  3. BulletA deliberately restricted laryngeal view with the GlideScope laryngoscope is easier tracheal intubation when compared with a full glottic view.pdf

  4. BulletA randomised cross-over comparison of the transverse and longitudinal techniques for ultrasound-guided identification of the cricothyroid membrane in morbidly obese subjects.pdf

  5. BulletAcute Awake Fiberoptic Intubation in the ICU in a Patient with Limited Mouth Opening and Hypoxemic Acute Respiratory Failure.pdf

  6. BulletAirway Assessment Before Intervention.pdf

  7. BulletAirway Injuries after DLT.doc

  8. BulletAirway management Review 2016.pdf

  9. BulletAnaesthetic management of acute airway obstruction.pdf

  10. BulletAwake Bronchoscopic Intubation Review.pdf

  11. BulletAwake videolaryngoscope guided intubation.pdf

  12. BulletBlue dolphin percut tracheostomy.pdf

  13. BulletBURP.pdf

  14. BulletC Spine ASA03.pdf

  15. BulletCannot intubate cannot ventilate—focus on the ‘ventilate’.pdf

  16. BulletCannot intubate cannot ventilate.pdf

  17. BulletChanges in airway configuration with different head and neck positions.pdf

  18. BulletComparison of seven videolaryngoscopes with the Macintosh laryngoscope in manikins by experienced and novice personnel.pdf

  19. BulletComparison of two cricothyroidotomy kits.pdf

  20. BulletComplications and failure of airway management Review.pdf

  21. BulletComplications Associated with Repeated Laryngoscopic Attempts.pdf

  22. BulletComplications of Awake Intubation.pdf

  23. BulletComplications of cricothyroidotomy versus tracheostomy in emergency surgical airway management.pdf

  24. BulletCricoid Pressure Controversies Review 2017.pdf

  25. BulletCricothyroidectomy.pdf

  26. BulletCricothyroidotomy catheters reasons for failure.pdf

  27. BulletCritical Hemoglobin Desaturation Will Occur before respiration.pdf

  28. BulletDAS algorhithm.pdf

  29. BulletDeficiencies in locating the cricothyroid membrane by palpation.pdf

  30. BulletDiff Airway Algorh ASA06.pdf

  31. BulletDifficult Airway Society 2015 guidelines for management of unanticipated difficult intubation.pdf

  32. BulletDifficult Airway Society guidelines for awake tracheal intubation 2019.pdf

  33. BulletDifficult intubation and extubation in adult anaesthesia SFAR 2018.pdf

  34. BulletDifficult mask ventilation review.pdf

  35. BulletDifficult Tracheal Intubation Is More Common in Obese Than in Lean Patients.pdf

  36. BulletDoes the site of anterior tracheal puncture affect the success rate of retrograde intubation.pdf

  37. BulletEffect of Apneic Oxygenation on Tracheal Oxygen Levels, Tracheal Pressure, and Carbon Dioxide Accumulation.pdf

  38. BulletEffect of Cricoid Pressure Compared With a Sham Procedure in the Rapid Sequence Induction of Anesthesia.pdf

  1. BulletEffect of Dynamic Versus Stylet-Guided Intubation on First-Attempt Success in Difficult Airways Undergoing Glidescope Laryngoscopy.pdf

  2. BulletEffectiveness of Cricoid Pressure.pdf

  3. BulletEmergency Cricothyrotomy Performed by Surgical Airway–naive Medical Personnel.pdf

  4. BulletEmergency front-of-neck access scalpel or cannula.pdf

  5. BulletEmergency front-of-neck airway 2019.pdf

  6. BulletExtraglottic Airway Review 2012.pdf

  7. BulletExtubation of the Difficult Airway Review 2013.pdf

  8. BulletFiberoptic Intubation.pdf

  9. BulletFibreoptic intubation letters.pdf

  10. BulletFibreoptic intubation Review.pdf

  11. BulletFunctional Check of the Breathing Circuit.pdf

  12. BulletGastric Tubes and Airway Management in Patients at Risk of Aspiration Review 2014.pdf Glottic impersonation.pdf

  13. BulletGuided Insertion of the ProSeal Laryngeal Mask Airway Is Superior to Conventional Tracheal Intubation by residents.pdf

  14. BulletGum Elastic Bougie guided Insertion of Proseal .pdf

  15. BulletGum elastic bougie insertion of Proseal.pdf

  16. BulletHead and Neck Position for Direct Laryngoscopy review.pdf

  17. BulletHigh versus low positive end-expiratory pressure during general anaesthesia for open abdominal surgery.pdf

  18. Bulleti-gelTM supraglottic airway in clinical practice.pdf

  19. BulletiGel.pdf

  20. BulletImproving the Success of Retrograde Tracheal Intubation.pdf

  21. BulletIntraoperative Airway Management Considerations for Adult Patients Presenting With Tracheostomy Review 2020.pdf

  22. BulletIntraoperative Protective Mechanical Ventilation for Prevention of Postoperative Pulmonary Complications Review 2015.pdf

  23. BulletIntubation Bougie Dissection of Tracheal Mucosa and Intratracheal Airway Obstruction.pdf

  24. BulletJet ventilation apsf.pdf

  25. BulletJet ventilation.pdf

  26. BulletJJHenderson-EuroJAn Intub.doc

  27. BulletLMA ASA03.pdf

  28. BulletLMA in Prone position.pdf

  29. BulletLow tidal volume ventilation in abdominal surgery.pdf

  30. BulletMacroscopic Barotrauma Caused by Stiff and Soft-Tipped Airway Exchange Catheters.pdf

  31. BulletMajor complications using jet ventilation.pdf

  32. BulletMiller Airway Management.pdf

  33. BulletNeck circumference and difficult intubation.pdf

  34. BulletOrotracheal Intubation Using the Retromolar Space.pdf

  35. BulletOxygenation Impairment during Anesthesia 2019.pdf

  36. BulletPediatric laryngeal dimensions.pdf

  37. BulletPediatric larynx edit.pdf

  38. BulletPositive end-expiratory pressure in surgery.pdf

  39. BulletPractice guidelines for management of the difficult airway 2013.pdf

  40. BulletPredicting Difficult Intubation in Apparently Normal Patients.pdf

  41. BulletPredicting the difficult airway review 2015.pdf

  42. BulletPrediction in airway management.pdf

  43. BulletPreoxygenation and atalectasis Edit.pdf

  44. BulletPreoxygenation Review 2017.pdf

  45. BulletPressures Available for Transtracheal Jet Ventilation from Anesthesia Machines.pdf

  1. BulletProseal 2.pdf

  2. BulletProSeal in Failed intubation.pdf

  3. BulletProseal insertion with Gum elastic bougie .pdf

  4. BulletProtective Ventilation during Anesthesia.pdf

  5. BulletProtective Ventilation Influences Systemic Inflammation.pdf

  6. BulletProtective versus Conventional Ventilation for Surgery Review 2015.pdf

  7. BulletRamp position for Obese Intubation.pdf

  8. BulletRapid Sequence Induction and Intubation Review.pdf

  9. BulletRemifentanyl for awake intubation.pdf

  10. BulletRapid sequence induction and intubation with rocuronium–sugammadex compared with succinylcholine.pdf

  11. BulletRapid Sequence Induction.pdf

  12. BulletReflective intubation.pdf

  13. BulletRetrograde intubation.pdf

  14. BulletRetrograde Light-guided Laryngoscopy for Tracheal Intubation.pdf

  15. BulletSellick's manoeuvre edit.pdf

  16. BulletSuccess of Intubation Rescue Techniques after Failed Direct Laryngoscopy in Adults.pdf

  17. BulletSugammadex and the cannot intubate cannot ventilate scenario letter.pdf

  18. BulletSugammadex, airway obstruction, and drifting across the ethical divide.pdf

  19. BulletSurgical intervention during a Can’t intubate Can’t Oxygenate (CICO) Event.pdf

  20. BulletSurgical versus seldinger cricothyroidectomy.pdf

  21. BulletTeaching cricothyroidectomy.pdf

  22. BulletThe Complexities of Tracheal Intubation With Direct Laryngoscopy and Alternative Intubation Devices .pdf

  23. BulletThe evolution of airway management Review 2017.pdf

  24. BulletThe Myth of Rescue Reversal in “Can’t Intubate, Can’t Ventilate” Scenarios.pdf

  25. BulletThe myth of the difficult airway Review 2016.pdf

  26. BulletThe Technology of Video Laryngoscopy.pdf

  27. BulletTime to abandon awake fibreoptic intubation.pdf

  28. BulletTime to make awake intubation with videolaryngoscopy the primary technique for an anticipated difficult airway.pdf

  29. BulletTracheal Intubation Through the IgelTM Supraglottic Airway Versus the LMA Fastrach.pdf

  30. BulletUltrasound Improves Cricothyrotomy Success in Cadavers with Poorly De ned Neck Anatomy.pdf

  31. BulletUltrasound Is Superior to Palpation in Identifying the Cricothyroid Membrane in Subjects with Poorly Defined Neck Landmarks.pdf

  32. BulletUltrasound versus Stethoscope for Perioperative Clinicians.pdf

  33. BulletUpdating our approach to the difficult and failed airway time to ‘‘stop and think’’.pdf

  34. BulletUpper airway collapsibility Edit.pdf

  35. BulletUpper lip bite test.pdf

  36. BulletUse of iGel and fibreoptic letter.pdf

  37. BulletUse of sugammadex in a cant intubate, cant ventilate situation.pdf

  38. BulletValue of knowing physical characteristics of the airway device before using it.pdf

  39. BulletVentilation through a ‘straw’the final answer in a totally closed upper airway.pdf

  40. BulletVideolaryngoscope study.pdf

  41. BulletVideolaryngoscopy versus direct laryngoscopy for adult patients requiring tracheal intubation Review 2017.pdf

  1. BulletAbility of stroke volume variation measured by oesophageal Doppler monitoring to predict fluid responsiveness.pdf

  2. BulletAcademic assessment of arterial pulse contour analysis.pdf

  3. BulletAdvanced Uses of Pulse Oximetry for Monitoring Mechanically Ventilated Patients.pdf

  4. BulletAlgorhithm for ScVO2.pdf

  5. BulletArterial and Plethysmographic Waveform Analysis in Anesthetized Patients with Hypovolemia.pdf

  6. BulletArterial Pulse Wave Analysis LidCO.pdf

  7. BulletAssessing Fluid Responsiveness by the Systolic Pressure Variation.pdf

  8. BulletCan Changes in Arterial Pressure be Used to Detect Changes in Cardiac Output during Volume Expansion.pdf

  9. BulletCardiopulmonary care Algorhithms.pdf

  10. BulletChanges in cardiac preload variables in graded hemorrhage.pdf

  11. BulletClinical usefulness of respiratory variations of BP.pdf

  12. BulletCommonly used clinical indicators of hypovolemia with tonometry.pdf

  13. BulletComparison of systolic pressure variation and cardiac echo.pdf

  14. BulletCrystalloid v Colloid IARS 2011.pdf

  15. BulletCVP and PAWP ASA06.pdf

  16. BulletDeliberate Hypotension Miller.pdf

  17. BulletDeliberate Hypotension for Hip Arthroplasty.pdf

  18. BulletDifferential diagnosis in hemodynamic monitoring Perel ISICEM_2007.pdf

  19. BulletDoes it matter which hemodynamic monitoring system is used Review 2013.pdf

  20. BulletDonalds induced hypotension and blood loss.pdf

  21. BulletDoppler optimization for GI surgery.pdf

  22. BulletDynamic indicators of fluid in spont breath.pdf

  23. BulletDynamic preload markers to predict fluid responsiveness during and after major gastrointestinal surgery.pdf

  24. BulletEffect of Waxy Maize derived Hydroxyethyl Starch 130 0.4 on Renal Function in Surgical Patients.pdf

  25. BulletEnd-Expiratory Occlusion Test Predicts Fluid Responsiveness in Patients With Protective Ventilation.pdf

  26. BulletEndotoxin and gut perfusion.pdf

  27. BulletEquivalent Efficacy of Hydroxyethyl Starch 130:0.4 and Human Serum Albumin.pdf

  28. BulletFilling pressures do not predict fluid responsiveness Osman.pdf

  29. BulletFluid Challenge During Anesthesia Review 2018.pdf

  30. BulletFluid challenge revisited edit.pdf

  31. BulletFluid Management Review.pdf

  32. BulletFluid responsiveness and spontaneous ventilation.pdf

  33. BulletFluid therapy edit.pdf

  34. BulletFluid therapy in the perioperative setting Review 2016.pdf

  35. BulletFluids wet or dry Edit.pdf

  36. BulletFunctional hemodynamic monitoring review.pdf

  37. BulletGastric tonometer as measure of hypovolemia.pdf

  38. BulletGastric tonometry review.pdf

  39. BulletGastric Tonometry.pdf

  40. BulletGoal directed Intra op therapy reduces LOS.pdf

  41. BulletGoal directed intraoperative therapy.pdf

  42. BulletGoal directed therapy edit.pdf

  43. BulletGoal directed therapy in surgical patients review 2013 .pdf

  44. BulletGoal directed therapy using ppv.pdf

  45. BulletGoal-Directed Fluid Therapy during Major Abdominal Surgery Review 2019.pdf

  46. BulletGuyton Venous return copy.pdf

  47. BulletHemodynamic Goal-Directed Therapy in High-Risk Surgical Patients.pdf

  48. BulletHemodynamic monitoring  IARS Review course 2003.pdf

  49. BulletHemodynamic Optimization During Major Surgery.pdf

  50. BulletHetastarch induced Osmotic Nephrosis.pdf

  51. BulletHydroxyethyl starch for surgery pro con 2013.pdf

  52. BulletHypotensive anaesthesia and blood loss.pdf

  53. BulletHypotensive anesthesia and Ch Renal Dysfunction.pdf

  54. BulletImportance of Venous Return.pdf In support of ‘usual’ perioperative care.pdf

  55. BulletIndividualised oxygen delivery targeted haemodynamic therapy in high-risk surgical patients.pdf

  56. BulletIntraoperative fluid management guided by oesophageal Doppler monitoring Kuper.pdf

  1. BulletIntraoperative fluids Review 2012.pdf

  2. BulletIntraoperative Mean Arterial Pressure Targets.pdf

  3. BulletIs goal-directed fluid therapy based on dynamic variables alone sufficient to improve clinical outcomes among patients undergoing surgery?.pdf

  4. BulletIs goal-directed haemodynamic therapy dead? 2020.pdf

  5. BulletIs the CVP still useful? Review.pdf

  6. BulletIs This Patient Hypovolemic.doc

  7. BulletKumar CVP PCWP.pdf

  8. Bulletleg raising as fluid challenge.pdf

  9. BulletLess invasive methods of advanced hemodynamic monitoring for perioperative care review 2014.pdf

  10. BulletLiberal or restrictive fluid administration.pdf

  11. BulletMagder CVP vol assessment.pdf

  12. BulletManagement of severe perioperative bleeding Review 2013  .pdf

  13. BulletMichards Chest edit.pdf

  14. BulletMichards Chest Review on fluid resp.pdf

  15. BulletMichards Fluid responsiveness.pdf

  16. BulletMiller Deliberate Hypotension.pdf

  17. BulletDeliberate Hypotension.doc

  18. BulletMinimally Invasive Cardiac Output Monitoring in the Perioperative Setting review.pdf

  19. BulletModern hetastarches review.pdf

  20. BulletMore respect for the CVP.doc

  21. BulletMultidisciplinary Approach to the Challenge of Hemostasis.pdf

  22. BulletNew CO monitors.pdf

  23. BulletNon invasive fluid responsiveness.pdf

  24. BulletNon invasive prediction of fluid responsiveness during hepatic resection.pdf

  25. BulletNormal Hemodynamic Parameters – Adult.doc

  26. BulletOesoph Doppler for major surgery Review.pdf

  27. BulletOesophageal Doppler and calibrated pulse contour analysis are not interchangeable within a goal-directed haemodynamic algorithm.pdf

  28. BulletOesophageal Doppler Guide.pdf

  29. BulletOesophageal Doppler review.pdf

  30. BulletOesophageal doppler.pdf

  31. BulletOptimising organ perfusion in the high-risk surgical and critical care patient Review Mervyn Singer 2019.pdf

  32. BulletPAC Man Critique.pdf

  33. BulletPAC vs Doppler.pdf

  34. BulletPassive leg raising in ICU.pdf

  35. BulletPassive leg raising.pdf

  36. BulletPathophysiol of fluid excess.pdf

  37. BulletPeri-operative fluid management to enhance recovery Review 2015.pdf

  38. BulletPerioperative Fluid Management IARS Review course .pdf

  39. BulletPerioperative fluids IARS Review course 2006.pdf

  40. BulletPeriop goal directed therapy.pdf

  41. BulletPerioperative Blood Pressure Management Review 2020.pdf

  42. BulletPerioperative Cardiovascular Care for Patients Undergoing Noncardiac Surgical Intervention review 2015.pdf

  43. BulletPerioperative cardiovascular monitoring of high-risk patients Review 2017.pdf

  44. BulletPerioperative Fluid Therapy for Major Surgery Review 2019.pdf

  45. BulletPerioperative fluid management in kidney transplantation a black box.pdf

  46. BulletPerioperative fluid volume optimization following proximal femoral fracture Cochrane.pdf

  47. BulletPerioperative Goal-Directed Fluid Therapy Is an Essential Element of an Enhanced Recovery Protocol Pro:Con.pdf

  48. BulletPerioperative Goal-Directed Hemodynamic Optimization Using Noninvasive Cardiac Output Monitoring.pdf

  49. BulletPerioperative haemodynamics and vasoconstriction 2019.pdf

  50. BulletPerioperative increase in global blood flow to explicit defined goals and outcomes after surgery Review 2013.pdf

  51. BulletPerioperative Management of High-Risk Patients.pdf

  52. BulletPerioperative myocardial injury in patients receiving cardiac output-guided haemodynamic therapy.pdf

  53. BulletPerioperative optimization and renal function.pdf

  54. BulletPerioperative Quality Initiative (POQI) consensus statement on fundamental concepts in perioperative fluid management 2020.pdf

  1. BulletPerioperative Quality Initiative consensus statement on arterial blood pressure control in perioperative medicine Review 2019.pdf

  2. BulletPerioperative plasma volume expansion reduces the incidence of gut mucosal hypoperfusion during cardiac surgery.doc

  3. BulletPeripheral perfusion index as an early predictor for central hypovolemia in awake healthy volunteers.pdf

  4. BulletPhotoplethysmograph in Circulatory monitoring review.pdf

  5. BulletPhysiological controversies and methods used to determine fluid responsiveness Review 2015.pdf

  6. BulletPinsky volume assessment copy.pdf

  7. BulletPlethysmo and SVV copy.pdf

  8. BulletPPVariation.pdf

  9. BulletPredicting Fluid responsive during hepatic surgery.pdf

  10. BulletPredicting fluid respon after cardiac surgery.pdf

  11. BulletPredicting Fluid Responsiveness in Children.pdf

  12. BulletPredicting fluid responsiveness in spont ventil Edit.pdf

  13. BulletPredicting fluid responsiveness in spont ventil.pdf

  14. BulletPredicting fluid responsiveness in theatre.pdf

  15. BulletPreoperative Acute Normovolemic Hemodilution for Minimizing Allogeneic Blood Transfusion.pdf

  16. BulletPreoperative Optimization of the high risk patient.pdf

  17. BulletPressure Waveform Analysis.pdf

  18. BulletPulmonary hypertension and its management in patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery Review 2014.pdf

  19. BulletPulmonary permeability index.pdf

  20. BulletPulse oximetry plethysmographic waveform and volume changes.pdf

  21. BulletPulse Pressure Variation.pdf

  22. BulletRandomized controlled trial of stroke volume optimization during elective major abdominal surgery in patients stratified by aerobic fitness.pdf

  23. BulletReducing the risk of major surgery edit.pdf

  24. BulletRelationship bet O2 uptake and SVO2 in postoperative period.pdf

  25. BulletRestrictive versus Liberal Fluid Therapy for Major Abdominal Surgery 2018.pdf

  26. BulletSalvaging remote ischaemic preconditioning as a therapy for perioperative acute kidney injury.pdf

  27. BulletSafety of Modern Starches Used During Surgery.pdf

  28. BulletShires article.pdf

  29. BulletShires on shock.pdf

  30. BulletSPV and SVV.pdf

  31. BulletStroke volume optimization in elective bowel surgery Lidco v Doppler.pdf

  32. BulletStroke volume variation to guide fluid therapy is it suitable for high-risk surgical patients?.pdf

  33. BulletSVV Toboul Guest editorial.pdf

  34. BulletSystolic pressure variation to assess volemia edit.pdf

  35. BulletSystolic pressure variation versus CVP.pdf

  36. BulletTackling the economic burden of postsurgical complications would perioperative goal-directed fluid therapy help.pdf

  37. BulletTEE.pdf

  38. BulletThe 'third space' fact or fiction.pdf

  39. BulletThe history of 0.9% saline.pdf

  40. BulletThe place of goal-directed haemodynamic therapy in the 21st century.pdf

  41. BulletThe use of the CVP in critically ill patients.pdf

  42. BulletTidal volume challenge to predict fluid responsiveness in the operating room.pdf

  43. BulletTransesophageal Echocardiography Views.pdf

  44. BulletTreatment of Intraoperative Refractory Hypotension with Terlipressin in Patients Chronically Treated with an Antagonist of the Renin-Angiotensin System.pdf

  45. BulletUsing pulse oximetry  to predict fluid responsiveness.pdf

  46. BulletVariation of Arterial and Central Venous Catheter Use in United States Intensive Care Units.pdf

  47. BulletVenous–arterial CO2 to arterial–venous O2 difference ratio as a resuscitation target in shock states.pdf

  48. BulletVolume kinetic analysis of fluid retention after induction of general anesthesia.pdf

  49. BulletVolume Management Using Dynamic Parameters review.pdf

  50. BulletVolume responsive, but does the patient need volume.pdf

  51. BulletVoluven.pdf

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